A quick hello to everyone a CF Flathead, and thanks to Shawn who took time out of his holiday to come and train with us at CF Derby UK, great to see you and hopefully I will get the chance to come and train at CF Flathead in the near future....
'The Box' Strength and conditioning Offers highly effective, high intensity training stimulus, through the use of functional movements. Utilising: Olympic weight lifting, Kettlebells & Gymnastic movements in a safe & friendly training environment.
Hey there crossfit Derby- hope you can make it out to this side of the world soon!- Look forward to meeting you Mark.
Oh yeah, I'm from Crossfit Flathead- Take care
Once again, thanks for letting me crash your workout party. CrossFit Derby gave me an excuse to get off the standard tourist path. Also, you have some great people there. Keep up the good work!
Good luck finding a new box and keeping CrossFit Derby going strong.
I'll make sure I work on getting my hips more foreward on the air squats!
Hey there CrossFit Derby! I hope you made Shawn work REALLY hard after all the beer he drank! Hopefully we can return the favor to you sometime. We would all love for you to come visit us here at CrossFit Flathead! We will make sure Shawn squats LOTS when he gets back!
Thanks Guys, I really hope to get out there, your part of the world looks fantastic.
Just wish I had had more time to give Shawn.
I will keep my eye on your blog:)
All the best
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